Copyright Notice – Pivot Point International


Pivot Point International, Inc. is the owner of all copyright rights in the United States and in other countries throughout the world in the attached materials. This means that, subject to certain limited exceptions, only Pivot Point has the right to copy, reproduce, distribute or display the attached works in either print or electronic versions. There is no specific number of words, lines or images that may be copied from these materials without permission. Likewise, merely acknowledging Pivot Point as the source of the copyrighted material does not permit copying. Therefore, unless one can prove he/she is subject to one of the limited exceptions discussed below, copying of all or any part of these materials without the express permission of Pivot Point is prohibited.

Some countries permit certain limited copying of portions of copyrighted materials if such copying amounts to “fair use” or “fair dealing.” In the U.S., in order for reproduction of a portion of a copyrighted work to qualify as fair, it must be for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, face-to-face teaching, scholarship or research. In addition, even where one of these purposes is satisfied, copying is prohibited if the intended use is commercial in nature, the amount and substance of the portion of the work used is significant in relation to the work as a whole, and if the effect of the use harms the potential market for or value of the work. In short, a commercial use involving a substantial amount of the work or a portion of the work critical to its theme or which negatively impacts Pivot Point’s ability to sell its work will preclude fair use.

In “fair dealing” countries, such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United Kingdom, exceptions to copyright are limited to an enumerated set of possible defenses to infringement. If the copying does not fall within a specific category, it remains an infringement. For example, in Australia copying of a work for educational purposes, whether commercial or not-for-profit, is not allowed if the work is reasonably commercially available to students.

In short, you are generally not entitled to copy the attached works. Acknowledging Pivot Point as a source does not permit copying. Use for non-commercial purposes does not permit copying. Reproduction of a few images or quotation of up to 300 words is not permitted. Infringement of copyrighted works involves serious penalties, including injunctions, impounding and disposition of the infringing articles, actual damages and profits, or statutory damages, which may range up to $150,000 per work in the case of a willful infringement. In addition, U.S. law provides that a person who willfully infringes a copyright for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain or by reproduction of one or more copies of copyrighted works having a total retail value of more than $1,000 may be subject to imprisonment and fine. Therefore, if you have any questions about reproducing this work in any way, please contact us.